Here are free solution for PDF to Word conversion:

Convert with Microsoft Word 2013 or higher (Windows):

If you have the Windows version of Microsoft Office 2013 or later, you can simply open PDF Documents with Microsoft Word 2013 and save as .doc or .docx files. Please refer to the link below:

NOTE: This feature is not available on the Mac version of Microsoft Office.

Convert with Online Converters (Free)  – converts to rtf which can then be imported in Word

Convert with Google Drive (Free)

1. Use your Google account to sign in with Google Drive.

2. Drag and drop the PDF Document into your Google drive tab (on your browser)

3. Right click on the PDF file -> Open with Google Docs

4. On Google docs, select File -> Download as -> Microsoft Word

Convert with One Drive (Free)

1. Use your Microsoft account to sign in with One Drive (

2. Drag and drop the PDF Document into One Drive tab (on your browser)

3. Right click on the PDF file -> Open in Word online

4. Select Edit in Word -> Convert -> View

5. Now go back to the One Drive tab, the new Word document should available and ready to download.

Convert with Open Office (Free)

It is possible to convert PDF Documents to Word documents using Open Office, however you need to work around through few steps, see article below: