Q: When I open PDF files from Mozilla Firefox for viewing in PDF Studio application, it shows multiple permission errors and I am not able to access Preferences. How can I solve this issue?

Unable to write your settings in your user home folder.
Make sure you have permission to save a file under your user directory (home/john)
If you need assistance, contact support at studiosupport@qoppa.com

A: Ubuntu 22.04 comes with Firefox snap version pre-installed and this version is restricted in terms of permissions. When launching PDF Studio from this Firefox version, it does not allow PDF Studio to access your user home folder in order to read and write settings (including Preferences, Stamps, Signatures…)

In order to solve this issue, you will need to uninstall Firefox snap version and install classic Deb version. See the steps below:

Step 1: Remove the Firefox Snap in Ubuntu 22.04

Open Terminal and enter this command to remove Firefox snap version

sudo snap remove firefox

and remove the empty DEB package as well
sudo apt remove firefox
Step 2: Add Mozilla’s PPA

Open Terminal and enter this command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa

Step 3: Set PPA priority

Open Terminal and enter this command
sudo gedit /etc/apt/preferences.d/mozillateamppa

When gedit is launched, copy and paste these lines and save the document

Package: firefox*
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-mozillateam
Pin-Priority: 501

Run this command to apply changes
sudo apt update

Step 4: Install Firefox as a DEB Package on Ubuntu 22.04
sudo apt install firefox

Launch Firefox again and you shouldn’t see “Snap” on About screen

You can now use PDF Studio to open PDF files from Firefox.