Q: When CJK fonts are not embedded in the document, which CJK fonts does PDF Studio use to render documents in Chinese, Japanese or Korean?
A: When a CJK font (or any other font type) is embedded within a PDF document, PDF Studio will use this font to render the text in the document. This guarantees that the document will render the same regardless of the operating system.
When rendering a PDF document where CJK fonts are NOT embedded, PDF Studio will try and find CJK fonts on the system and use these. Read this entry detailing which default CJK fonts PDF Studio will use on Mac, Windows and Linux.
On some Linux distros, PDF Studio may not be able to find any CJK fonts to use as default. Please read this entry regarding finding and installing CJK fonts in Linux.
Customizing Default CJK Fonts:
It is possible to see and change the default CJK fonts used under Preferences -> Fonts. For each type of CJK font (Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean), users can select what local font to use among all the fonts installed on their system.