When a CJK font (or any other font type) is embedded within a PDF document, PDF Studio will use this font to render the text in the document. This guarantees that the document will render the same regardless of the operating system.

If the font does NOT exist in the document PDF Studio will try and find CJK fonts on the system. On some Linux distros, CJK language support is not installed by default, and so PDF Studio may not be able to find any CJK fonts to use. In order to properly render documents with with CJK fonts in PDF Studio the following packages should be installed.

Japanese language support:

# sudo apt-get install language-pack-ja
# sudo apt-get install japan*

Chinese language support:

# sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh*
# sudo apt-get install chinese*

Korean language support:

# sudo apt-get install language-pack-ko
# sudo apt-get install korean*

Finally you also need to add these additional fonts:

# sudo apt-get install fonts-arphic-ukai fonts-arphic-uming fonts-ipafont-mincho fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-unfonts-core

Once installed, restart PDF Studio to display the documents using the newly installed font packages.