Font Replacement / Substitution Options

When users are running PDF Studio on Linux and macOS,  standard Windows fonts may not be installed on these machines.

This can be an issue when converting Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) to PDF or when converting PDF documents to PDF/A if the source documents contain a font that is not available.

To resolve this problem, PDF Studio offers a mechanism to define replacement or substitution fonts to be used when fonts are not found or missing.

The  default font replacement rules are defined under Preferences -> Fonts and can be modified by users to their own preferred replacement fonts.

Additionally, PDF Studio allows to define a fallback font under Preferences -> Conversion MS Office preferences to be used as last resort if no matching font is found in the substitution rules.

NOTEFont substitution can cause slight layout differences in text positioning if / when the substituted font’s metrics differ from the original font.

Default Settings

Below are the default settings for PDF Studio. These replacement fonts come packaged in the PDF Studio installation.

Font Replacement
Arial Arimo
Calibri Carlito
Cambria Caledea
Courier New Cousine
Georgia Gelasio
Symbol Symbol Neu
Times New Roman Tinos

For a substitute or replacement font for Arial Narrow, we suggest you install the Liberation Narrow font on your machine.


Use the below options in PDF Studio Preferences -> Fonts to create new or modify existing font substitution rules.

Add: Create a new font replacement rule

 Edit: Edits the selected font substitution rule

 Remove: Deletes the selected font substitution rule

Use the “Always” checkbox option in the table to replace the specified font regardless of whether or not it is available.