Q: Do you offer any license management tools for volume (Multi Users / Multi Key) installations to manage user / employee registrations?
A: Yes, for customers with over 10 licenses who subscribed to a Subscription or Upgrade Plan can access PDF Studio License Key Portal. This feature is currently only available by request. To receive information about the plans or gain access to the portal please contact sales@qoppa.com.
Once your account has been activated the new service can be accessed HERE
License Key Management Tool Features
The new license key management dashboard allows IT and Admins to easily keep track of and manage user registrations. It also provides easy access to add additional users as needed. The new tool comes with the following features with more planned for the future.
- Dashboard with quick links to key management and support tools
- Ability to claim multiple keys under a single login
- View license key details including: User count, transaction ID, subscription status
- View / export all user registration details per license key
- Unregister / deactivate users individually or in a batch

Feel free to submit any additional license key management feature requests to studiosupport@qoppa.com