References: SaneDaemonTutorial sand systemd manual page RHEL: saned systemd support SaneOverNetwork Background: systemd uses “sockets” to replace the defunct xinetd. systemd will listen on port 6566 tcp and use saned.socket to start an instance of saned@.service for each request to port 6566 tcp Note: in the follow paper, “#” refers to the command prompt of […]
Category: Troubleshooting
Explanation and workaround for common errors and issues
How to fix the issue with blank pages for PDFs created with ScanSnap on macOS Sierra
Q: When I use Scansnap to scan paper to PDF on macOS Sierra, the scanned pages are turned into blank pages and existing scanned pages are deleted under some circumstances. How can I solve this issue? A: This is a compatibility problem between macOS Sierra and Fujistu Scansnap. If a PDF document has been created with Scansnap, some pages may […]
“Access is denied” when saving documents
Q: When I try to save my document, it won’t allow me to do so. I get a message reading “Access is denied”. How can I solve this issue? A: The “Access is denied” message means that you do not have permissions to modify the file that you are working on. This could happen for various […]
Unable to rearrange / move pages or merge PDF files due to permissions warning
Q: I cannot seem to able to re-arrange pages within a PDF document, how can I solve this issue? A: If you’re seeing a permission error (see below), it indicates that your document is protected in one of 2 ways: It can be for 2 reasons that document assembly is not allowed: The document has security […]
Troubleshooting errors with Save / Save As in PDF Studio
Q: I cannot save/save as the document in PDF Studio, how can I solve this issue? A: When you’re having errors with the saving, please follow our workarounds below: Try saving the document in another directory, cloud storage… Try printing the file to PDF (using a PDF printer driver) or to the printer to preserve a […]
“No print service found” on MAC
Q: When I try to print with PDF Studio, I get a message “no print service found”. It is working fine in other apps and only happen in PDF Studio. How can I solve this issue? A: To solve this issue, you can try to follow our troubleshooting article: If it still does not work, change the […]
Could not initialize tesseract / OCRBridge when OCRing a document
Q: When I OCR a document, I get errors such as “Could not initialize tesseract” , ” OCR library is not loaded: null” , “unable to initiate OCRBridge”. What are these errors and how can I fix them? A: There are 4 possible reasons why you’ re seeing one of the errors above: If you […]
Set image quality when importing as a stamp
Q: When I import an image into PDF Studio via the “Import image as stamp”, PDF Studio loses a lot of the quality and it’s very noticeable. How can I fix this? A: When importing an image as a stamp PDF Studio uses the default image stamp settings. By default, it is set to JPEG which will […]
4k (High DPI Display) on Linux
Q: Even though I have set display scaling on my Linux machine the menu text in PDF Studio is still very small. How can I fix this? A: PDF Studio comes packaged with different look and feel options. Some of the Look and Feels, such as Nimbus & Metal, do not respect the Linux scaling […]
Mac OS Print Paper Size Bug
Q: Sometimes when I print a PDF to non-standard page sizes (such as A3), it shows well in the print preview but it only prints on a small portion of the paper or it is cutoff. A: The issue is the following: On some Mac OS X, using PDF Studio, users can not print documents on a different paper […]