Q: I need to add an image background to a PDF document to create a company letterhead. How can I add a background image using PDF Studio?
A: Custom text or images can be applied as a watermark onto a PDF document using PDF Studio’s watermark function. This function is available under Document -> Create Watermark from the top menu. In this example, choose the option to create a watermark from an image and browse to the image file for your company logo.
Watermark transparency is set to 75% by default but this value can be increased or decreased to make the logo more or less transparent in the background. Watermarks are rotated diagonally by default to give them a stamp-like appearance. As you’re designing your watermark, you can preview what it will look like when applied to each page of the document. When you’re done, you can save the watermark by naming it (e.g., “company watermark”) so you can apply it to any other PDF document in the future.