Here is a video showing you how to convert a PowerPoint file into a PDF using PDF Studio a few different ways. This feature was added in the recent upgrade of PDF Studio 2021.1.0.

Video Transcript:

  1. Hi, if you have noticed our recent update allows you to convert a PowerPoint file into a PDF thanks to our in-house developers! It will now join other formats such as Word and Excel that have already been able to be converted into a PDF using PDF Studio For the basis of this video I will show you how to convert a PowerPoint into a PDF a few different ways.
  2. The first way is to simply go to the convert tab here, select from PowerPoint, select the PowerPoint you want to convert, and press open. This may take a few seconds as it converts.
  3. All right as you can see the PowerPoint file has converted nicely into a PDF. You can kind of look it over and see if everything looks well and then you can simply go to the save as icon, and save it.
  4. Another way you can convert PowerPoint files into PDF is by merging them into the document pane here. What I’m going to do is minimize this and go to the folder with my other PowerPoints and I’m going to select this one. I’m going to drag it, keep in mind wherever I drop this, this is where the new set of PowerPoint slides will begin so I don’t want to drop it in the middle of the document pane so I’m going to scroll all the way down to the bottom here… and I’m going to drop the new set of PowerPoint slides here. Once again this may take a few seconds to convert.
  5. And there you go, your new PowerPoint slides are beginning at the end of the previous set of PowerPoint slides and you can kind of once again look these through and make sure they converted pretty well and once you do that, you can go to the save as icon and save this.
  6. All right so now I’m going to close out of these, go home. I’m going to show you my last way to convert a PowerPoint file into a PDF is by simply going back to that folder, selecting the one you want to convert to a PDF and drag and drop it in the application.
  7. Last time it’s going to take a few seconds to convert… and there you have it you have that last PowerPoint file now converted into a PDF and once again you can look through those. Everything checks out well, you can go to save as icon and save it.
  8. So there you have it, thanks for watching. I hope this new feature is helpful and you are able to find the best way for you to convert a PowerPoint into a PDF.