Q: How can I delete settings file for PDF Studio?
A: PDF Studio 12 saves your user settings / user preferences under a hidden directory called “.pdfstudio12” located under your user home directory. This directory is hidden by default in most operating systems because it starts with a “.”.
Your user settings include: your license key, default tools and annotations properties, saved header and footers, document services info, stamps, signature appearances, etc…
Instructions for Windows:
- Exit PDF Studio
- Open a command shell: Windows + R, cmd or Start > Run > cmd
- The command prompt should open to your user directory by default.For example, C:\users\JohnSmith
- Type dir /a in the terminal window.
- Make sure you see .pdfstudio12 in the file list.
- Type rmdir .pdfstudio12 to delete the directory.
- Type dir /a to verify the directory was deleted
Instructions for Mac and Linux:
- Exit PDF Studio
- Open a Terminal window. (On Mac, Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app)
- The terminal prompt should open to your user directory by default. For example, apple-ibook:~apple
- Type ls -a in the terminal window.
- Make sure you see .pdfstudio12 in the file list.
- Type rm -R .pdfstudio12 to delete the directory.
- Type ls -a to verify the directory was deleted