Q: I want to create a form field that can change text to uppercase / capitalize all letters as users type in it. Is it possible in PDF Studio? A: You can use JavaScript action to convert text to uppercase. Follow the steps below: Create a text field Right click on text field -> Properties […]
Articles Tagged: JavaScript
Allow Data Entry in PDF Stamps through Form Fields and JavaScript
Q: I am trying to create a stamp prompting user for input, how can I create such stamp in PDF Studio? A: PDF Studio 2022 and over allows you to create your own “fillable PDF stamps” or “dynamic PDF stamps”. This will be done by creating your own PDF Stamp where the PDF is a […]
Simple example of JavaScript to calculate time difference in a PDF in hours and minutes
Q: I want to create a new form field using custom JavaScript calculation that is the difference in time between 2 other interactive form fields containing time value. Can you provide an example for that? A: Here is a simple example to add custom JavaScript calculations to calculate date in a PDF. In this article, we […]
How to create a button in a PDF form to send an email with form attached
Q: How can I add a button to a PDF form that will send the form as attachment by email with a custom email subject? A: PDF Studio supports using submitForm as a Javascript action to send the current PDF form by email. Below is an example showing a button with submitForm action and a text […]
Use open JavaScript action to print a PDF when opening
Q: I want to setup a PDF document so that it starts printing, as soon as it is opened, using JavaScript. Is it possible to do so in PDF Studio? A: To print the PDF on opening, you will need to add an open JavaScript action to the PDF document. Follow the steps below: Go to Document […]
Simple example to add custom JavaScript calculations to form fields in a PDF
Q: I want to create a custom JavaScript calculation on my form fields other than the predefined simple calculations, do you have an example for that? A: Here is a simple example of how to create custom JavaScript calculations. In this article, we will create 2 fields “A” and “B” and compute the value of field B […]
Create a toggle checkbox to show and hide fields in a PDF form using Javascript
Q: I want to show and hide fields when I check/un-check a checkbox, is it possible in PDF Studio? A: You will need to use Javascript to determine if your checkbox is checked or not. You can follow the instructions below: 1. Create a Checkbox called Checkbox1 2. Create a TextField called TextField1 3. Right click on […]
Sending email with PDF form data file and custom email subject
Q: How can I send email that includes the form data file and also allow form field data to be customizable for the subject line? A: PDF Studio supports using submitForm as a Javascript action to send form data by email. The form data is sent as an attachment. Below is an example showing a button with […]
Sending email with PDF form data file using the submitForm action
Q: How can I send email that includes the form data file using the submitForm action? A: PDF Studio supports using submitForm as a Javascript action to send form data by email. The form data is sent as an attachment. Below is an example showing a button with submitForm action. 1. Create a Push Button 2. Right […]
Setting all fields in a PDF form to Read-Only using Javascript
Q: Can I set all fields to Read Only using Javascript so that they can’t be modified? A: YES, PDF Studio supports setting form fields to read only (preventing modification) through JavaScript. Below is an example showing a button with JavaScript action to set all fields within a document to Read only. 1. Create a […]