There are 2 ways to follow links in PDF Studio:

  • Click on Link Annotation: If there is an actual PDF link on the page, when hovering over it, the mouse cursor will change to the pointer hand and by clicking on it, PDF Studio will open the URL association with this link. These PDF links are similar to annotations added on top of a PDF document. Read our user guide to learn about how to add a link with PDF Studio.
  • Select Text and “Open Link”: If there are no PDF link on the page, and the link is in the text content of the page, you can use the text selection tool, follow the steps below.
    • Using the Text Selection too, select the URL or email
    • Show the right click menu (CTRL + Click on Mac)
    • Click on the “open link” menu item to open the URL.
    • Note that “open link” will only show when PDF Studio is able to recognize a URL in the text selected, i.e a link to a website or an email link
    • If the text is a valid URL, the default browser will be launched with the URL
    • If the text is an email address, the default email application will open with a new email for that recipient.