Q: I am trying to send emails from PDF Studio through Yahoo. I am using “PDF Studio Email” under Preferences > Email instead of my local desktop email application. When I try to connect to Yahoo Mail from PDF Studio, I get an authentication failed error message when I click on “Test Connection” button. How […]
Articles Tagged: email
How to create a button in a PDF form to send an email with form attached
Q: How can I add a button to a PDF form that will send the form as attachment by email with a custom email subject? A: PDF Studio supports using submitForm as a Javascript action to send the current PDF form by email. Below is an example showing a button with submitForm action and a text […]
Sending email with PDF form data file and custom email subject
Q: How can I send email that includes the form data file and also allow form field data to be customizable for the subject line? A: PDF Studio supports using submitForm as a Javascript action to send form data by email. The form data is sent as an attachment. Below is an example showing a button with […]
Sending email with PDF form data file using the submitForm action
Q: How can I send email that includes the form data file using the submitForm action? A: PDF Studio supports using submitForm as a Javascript action to send form data by email. The form data is sent as an attachment. Below is an example showing a button with submitForm action. 1. Create a Push Button 2. Right […]
Flatten annotations and form fields when sending a PDF document
Q: When I use the Email function to send a PDF document, can I flatten annotations and form fields on that document without making any changes on the original document? A: Starting in PDF Studio 12, you can automatically flatten annotations and form fields on the PDF you’re sending via email. This can be important when sending PDFs […]
Mail application fails to launch on Mac OS El Capitan
Q: PDF Studio is unable to launch the email application on my Mac. When I try to email the PDF from within PDF Studio (using the Email PDF button on the toolbar), I get an error saying that “Error: could not launch Email application”. How can I solve this issue? A: This is an issue […]
How to send an electronic fax through PDF Studio
Q: Can I send a PDF document as a fax directly from PDF Studio? A: Customers who are enrolled in online fax services can send faxes directly from within PDF Studio by simply using the email feature available under File->Email from the top menu. Online fax services such as myfax.com or efax.com let users easily […]