Q: I am trying to send emails from PDF Studio through Yahoo. I am using “PDF Studio Email” under Preferences > Email instead of my local desktop email application. When I try to connect to Yahoo Mail from PDF Studio, I get an authentication failed error message when I click on “Test Connection” button. How can I solve this issue?

A: In order to solve this issue, you will need to Generate App Password on your Yahoo account settings, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Yahoo Mail and click on your profile picture.  Then in the drop down click “Account Info”
  2. Go to Account Security and select “Generate App Password”
  3. Copy the generated password
  4. Open PDF Studio and go to Preferences -> Email
  5. Choose radio button “Use PDF Studio”
  6. PDF Studio’s Internet Email Settings will open up
  7. Fill all the fields as required
  8. Use the code obtained in step 3 as the “Password” in that dialog