Q: Will PDF Studio work on Elementary OS Freya? A: Yes, PDF Studio, Qoppa’s advanced PDF editor, is fully compatible with Elementary OS Freya as well as previous versions. We have tested PDF Studio on Elementary OS Freya and we’re able to confirm that PDF Studio our PDF editing software works properly on the new Elementary OS. […]
Category: Linux
Articles related to Linux
Edit and Annotate PDFs on Ubuntu 15.04
Q: Does PDF Studio work on Ubuntu 15.04? A: Yes, PDF Studio is currently fully compatible with Ubuntu 15.04. Update: There is a known issue with Scanning on Ubuntu 15.04 (read more below). We have tested PDF Studio on Ubuntu 15.04 and we’re able to confirm that our PDF editing software works properly on the new […]
How to manually install fonts on Linux and identify missing fonts
Q: I’m on Linux and on some documents, the fonts are not displayed correctly but they look just fine in Windows. How can I fix this issue? A: This is because most Linux systems do not come pre-installed with as many fonts as Windows does. When a PDF document is created it can have the fonts […]
Change menu font size on Ubuntu
Instructions on how to change menu font size on Ubuntu Launch PDF Studio Go to Files-> Preferences Select Display tab Take a look at “Look and Feel” section -> select “GTK+” on the selection box Click OK and exit PDF Studio Click Search icon on Ubuntu -> Input “displays” and then select “Displays” app Change […]
PDF Studio Keyboard Shortcuts
General Shortcuts Action Windows/Linux Mac New Document Ctrl + N ⌘ + N Open Ctrl + O ⌘ + O Save Ctrl + S ⌘ + S Save as Ctrl + Shift + S ⌘ + Shift + S Close Ctrl + W ⌘ + W Revert/Reload Ctrl + Shift + G ⌘ + Shift […]
How to show PDF Studio menu in the Ubuntu Unity Global Menu?
Q: Does PDF Studio support the top-level menu, called the Unity Global Menu, of Ubuntu? A: Yes, it can but you will need to install Jayatana which will automatically put the menu at the top for PDF Studio To install Jayatana, open a Linux terminal and type in the following commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danjaredg/jayatana sudo […]
Add PDF Studio to applications menu on XFCE4 desktop – Debian 7
Q: How can PDF Studio be added to the applications menu on the XFCE4 desktop that is provided with Debian 7 (Wheezy)? A: You can do so by adding a PDFStudio.desktop file to the applications folder using the instructions below. Open the terminal Go to your ~/.local/share/applications folder Using GEdit (or something similar) create a text file named […]
Add PDF Studio to ‘open with’ & application list on Linux
Q: How can PDF Studio be added to the Nautilus ‘open with’ list on Linux ? A: Create a .desktop file (for example: PDFStudio2018.desktop) in /usr/share/applications (as root) with the following contents. Make sure to set the directory for the “Exec” and “Icon” lines point to the correct installation directory. #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] MimeType=application/pdf;application/x-gzpdf;application/x-bzpdf;application/x-xzpdf;application/x-ext-pdf; Type=Application […]
Adding PDF Studio to the Launcher/Dash & Other Applications List Linux
Q: I installed PDF Studio and it’s not listed in the Launcher/Dash or the Open with Other Applications List. How can I fix this? A: When installing PDF Studio, depending on your Linux distribution it may not always show up in your Launcher/Dash or Open with Applications List. You can add them […]
Start-up Error when launching PDF Studio after Arch Linux update.
**Note** This issue only applies when updating to the 2.19-1 Grep package. A new package Grep 2.20-1 was released that corrected the issue so if you update to the most recent package of 2.20-1 you will not have any more issues. If for some reason you are unable to update to the 2.20-1 package you […]